__________Some of the Bikes in the Past and Present_________


runeII.jpg (212924 bytes)Donna's Rune



Jon' Rune


dog rune.jpg (224343 bytes)I mean Shadow's Rune


boss_rune.jpg (240759 bytes)Boss Rune Valkyrie

cbxrow.jpg (188153 bytes)1981 CBX ROW

IMG_2588.JPG (183876 bytes)CBX Chopper
CBX.jpg (176161 bytes)1981 CBX
IMG_2589.JPG (175554 bytes)2004 Goldwing
hoss1.jpg (178610 bytes) hoss2.jpg (203245 bytes) hoss2.jpg (203245 bytes) hoss2.jpg (203245 bytes)

502 Boss Hoss

Dead Man's Hand

Ariel Square Four's

Beer Can Lathe


Valk chopper


lin1.jpg (198603 bytes) lin2.jpg (186247 bytes)